User Guide

Use our pre-trained models

You can use our pre-trained models:

  • wiki80_cnn_softmax: trained on wiki80 dataset with a CNN encoder.
  • wiki80_bert_softmax: trained on wiki80 dataset with a BERT encoder.

In the following way:

  1. Load the model
>>> import opennre
>>> model = opennre.get_model('wiki80_cnn_softmax')
  1. Use infer to do relation extraction
>>> model.infer({'text': 'He was the son of Máel Dúin mac Máele Fithrich, and grandson of the high king Áed Uaridnach (died 612).', 'h': {'pos': (18, 46)}, 't': {'pos': (78, 91)}})

The model will return the predicted result as:

('father', 0.5108704566955566)

Train your own models

We have examples to train relation extraction models in the example folder:

  • train a supervised CNN model.
  • train a supervised BERT model.
  • train a bag-level PCNN-ATT model.